Union Membership, Coverage, Density
and Employment by Sector and Demographic Group: 1973-2023 |
All Wage & Salary |
All |
html | JPG graph | ||
Construction |
Manufacturing |
Wholesale/Retail |
Trans/Comm/Utility |
Services |
Public Administration |
Private Sector Wage & Salary |
All |
Excel | Stata dta | JPG graph | |
Nonagricultural |
Construction |
Manufacturing |
Public Sector Wage & Salary |
All | Excel | Stata dta | ||
Federal |
State |
Local |
Postal workers |
Police |
Excel | Stata dta | JPG graph | |
Demographic Groups |
Less Than College |
College or More |
Male |
Female |
White Male |
White Female |
Black Male |
Black Female |
Hispanic Male |
Hispanic Female |
DATA DESCRIPTION The data sources are
the 1973-81 May Current Population (CPS) and the 1983-2022 the CPS
Outgoing Rotation Group (ORG) Earnings Files.
There were no union questions in the 1982 CPS.
Sample includes wage and salary workers, ages 16 and over.
Variable definitions are: Obs=CPS sample size,
Employment=wage and salary employment in thousands, Members=employed
workers who are union members in thousands, Covered=workers covered
by a collective bargaining agreement in thousands, %Mem=percent of
employed workers who are union members, and %Cov=percent of employed
workers who are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. The
definition of union membership was expanded in 1977 to include
"employee associations similar to a union".